Dealing with Mastitis

Dealing with Mastitis

Every breastfeeding journey really is different.. the boys were both so easy. I thought it was because after Audrey where I struggled so much that I was pretty much ready for anything… then there were no hiccups. Thinking Korra was going to be the same was a gross miscalculation. Struggled with latching, cracked nipples that wouldn’t heal - healed and then came back, mastitis, plus sore boobs for much longer than ever before. The amount of different healing methods I tried was all worth it just to finally find our groove. Silverettes, hydro gel discs, all cream types, latch technics and different positions, hakaa bi carb soaks, hot shower massages, feeding massages… the list goes on. But the only thing that helped in the end was nipple shields to give them a chance to heal and massages while feeding. Maybe it all helped and I’m so glad I have this community that suggested everything to help get me through it all.


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